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photography Tag

Postcard Salon – Jarvis Dooney Galerie

I am excited to be part of this experimental photography exhibition at Jarvis Dooney Galerie. Here are a few installation view images of the second Postcard Salon which opened Thursday 7th March 2019 and is open to see until Saturday 20th April 2019. This exhibition


Fishers Ghost Art Prize 2018

I am delighted and very proud to share that not only was I shortlisted for the 2018 Fishers Ghost Art Award in the Contemporary and category with my works Out there / Over there, but I was also the Photography prize WINNER (!) with my work No


CLIP Award @ Perth Centre for Photography

Very excited to share that I am a finalist in the 2017 CLIP Award with my photographic collage Our Silent Guardians. The CLIP Award is an internationally recognised photographic prize for new perspectives in natural and urban landscape photography. The selection criteria focuses on images which


Exhibition News – 2012

I am very proud to announce that in late November 2012 I will be having my first show at Firstdraft Gallery in Sydney. I will be exhibition my new and very odd work 'The Midnight Actuality'. This is an really exciting step forward for me as